Thursday, August 21, 2008

A few minutes watching Dragonflies

When I got home from work last night I decided to go for a little walk about in the yard again. I am finding it to be quite relaxing and fun at the end of a long day. 

Anyway I saw a Dragonfly, or at least that 's what I was always taught to call them, flying around by my swimming pool. I wanted to photograph it but it wouldn't stop long enough for me to get a shot. Finally as I moved around my small orchard I went to the peach tree and after sitting there for a few minutes realized that the same little fellow kept landing on one of the top branches and eating the bug he had just caught. So with my 70 - 300 mm lens stretched clear out to 300 I took a picture the next time he landed. I was sitting on the ground so it was some distance from the branch in the top of the tree where he was sitting and made for a rather long shot. I slowly stood up hoping not to scare it off and took several more shots each time inching closer. 

Then I noticed a second one on a lower branch. I took a shot of it and then finding it busy eating and not paying a whole lot of attention to me I moved around the tree and got closer. It would fly off for a second and I would think it was over and it would then land back on the same branch. So I moved even closer and was facinated as I watched it eat each time and then move it's head around as though trying to get a better look at me. I must have been there for 15 minutes as the two of us were watching each other with ever increasing curiosity and I of course kept taking pictures.

Needless to say I had fun and was simply stunned at the fact that it stayed there for so long but was glad that it did and allowed me to capture some different shots of it.

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