Tuesday, June 21, 2016

June 21, 2016 Annex Update

The lights are on in the gym and I can see quite a bit
of progress on the taping of the sheetrock.
 The sheetrock is up on the hallway East side.

 And the brick is progressing quite well.
 Today they brought in the fill dirt for the 
decorative areas of the sidewalk on the south side .

Sunday, June 19, 2016

June 18,2016 Annex Update

It is getting to where my view is being 
quite obstructed to further updates.
The walls are being sheet rocked and 
now insulation added so they can 
sheetrock the other side.

The Silver Lining is that means we are
getting closer to being done.

Date to move in is still Nov 1, 2016.
Then I will photograph all of it to finish this segment of my blog.