Thursday, February 12, 2009

A little light streaking through the sky

I enjoy trying to photograph the fastest streaks of light that I can see. Of course taking pictures of lightning is fun but my reflexes are not nearly fast enough to just click the camera and catch each strike, so I just point the camera where I hope the next strike will take place and then hold the shutter open for thirty seconds unless one strikes first. The night all of these were taken I was lucky.  (Note: Some of these may have been posted before.)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wedding Fun

Look closely and you can see that the same little decoration shape is photographed with one of the brides flowers. The clear one almost blended into the rose while the silver one stands out. I was just trying to find new ways to remind the bride of some of her decorations from her special day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sometimes I just wish for summer and friends

The friends part of this was really the fun part of my summers spent at scout camps. I was sitting under a tree doing paperwork on my computer and this little guy ran past me. So I grabbed my camera (since I always had it sitting there by me) and started shooting. He was fast and a lot of the images were even a little blurry but with digital I could shoot fast and at least catch him a few times. The two of us almost became friends that week as I saw him several times. There is now a big swimming pool where we played and I have wondered where this little guy is now.