Saturday, January 26, 2013

A little outing to see the deer part 3.

These are some of the other images that I took. When I shot them I did bursts of 2 to 5 images so I decided to take some of them and adjust the clarity at different levels to give a softer effect. You can be the judge as to which ones you like the best.

A little outing to see the deer part 2

This little fellow was inside a yard and then lady came out and started waving her arms at them (there were about 8 that had jumped the fence into her yard), I just happened to be in the right spot to catch some quick images as he ran past me.

This little two point was just coming down off the hill headed toward town 
when I was able to get hime to look my way.

It almost looked like this one was telling me to get lost 
so he could catch up to his mother.

This one decided to look my way and I was almost not able to get a shot off 
before she began moving away again.

A little outing to see the deer part 1.

I just happened to catch the two of these young fellows having a little spat. 
Things cooled off pretty fast however.