I was just going through some of my images from my trip to Oregon in June of 2008. It reminded me of a number of images that I had forgotten about. The first set of these images are of some of my bird and animal images. Here they are and I hope you enjoy them. I love to photograph these birds and animals and know that they can be easy or hard depending of course on the animal.
Just a little topic photography about wheels. An interesting things to do with photography is to pick a topic and take a bunch of photo's. This one for me was just to take photo's of some of the wheels I saw as I walked around the neighborhood. Of course there were more but this was just the ones I did first. Now you might ask what this next image has to do with wheels and my answer is; when this is in the middle of the road it could quickly change the shape of your cars wheel. And it would most likely change your mood very quickly. At least in the olden days it couldn't make those wheel flat.
OK so Baden Powell, the founder of scouting , said that if you are to be a good scout you have to be the first in the group to notice something new or different. Well I have been in scouting practicing that little thing for many years but must admit that sometimes things do just flat out get past me. I mean here I am out for a walk on Saturday on a street where I have walked at least 30 times before and I notice for the first time these three manhole covers, well I have actually noticed them but never really looked at them. They were no more than 12 feet from each other and this is the first time that I read their titles. Now I am going to be reading manhole covers every time I go over one, provided I can see them quick enough.
I have posted before on my blog how you can live anywhere and always find something to photograph without having to go very far. Well last saturday I was on a walk around my neighborhood to deliver some wedding invitations so I took my camera along with me. I was gone about an hour and saw an incredible number of things that I could have taken but decided to save it for later. Here are 5 of the 65 that I did take. I had fun and returned with some more images for my blog.
I am a photographer who would rather be out in nature than about anywhere else but life just doesn't always let that happen. So I take pictures where I go and most always will have a camera with me. Moral of the story is: There is Beauty All Around You, Take the time to see it.