HDR is a process where over exposed to underexposed photographs are merged into one image so the information of lights and darks can all be seen a little better. After the Art Show ended last night I took my camera and placed it on the top of my car and took this series of 5 shots changing the aperture each time so that I went from an image where I had enough information to show the fence even though the barn was blown out to as little information as was needed to expose the front of the barn correctly. Because I didn't have my camera on a tripod there was a slight variance in the positioning of the camera so I got a little more double exposure effect than I would had the camera been kept in the exact same spot. This last image is the HDR version where the five previous images have been combined. I think it worked pretty good considering I didn't have my tripod. The web version doesn't show up as well as the larger version but it gets the idea across.
So I have been gone for a few days as far as this blog is concerned. I have been preparing for an Art show that I was invited to participate in and it started last night and will end tomorrow. Last night was fairly busy even though the host felt that there really were not as many there as she had felt might have been. Today though was something else. There were hardly any until well into the afternoon and finally became busy around 7:00 P.M. So since I had gone into work early so I could be at the show it was a bit of a new experience for me. Since there were no visitors I decided not to waste my time and just go out and see what there was to photograph. I had a lot of fun and here are a few of the images I captured today.
Have you ever bought flowers for a special friend and then watched as they quickly wilted and went away. Well I have and tonight I happened upon some images of roses that I had given to my wife for Valentines Day. Since I had photographed them while they were in the best part of their development we are still able to enjoy the roses even though they wilted and were thrown out a long time ago. We can look at these images and still have the memories of how I remembered her on Valentines Day. The thought came to my mind however tonight, as I am currently into a season where I can't photograph beautiful flowers like this at will, that there is no reason that I can't when properly planned be able to do them at any time of the year since the florist seems to always have beautiful flowers. A spray bottle to add a few water drops and photoshop to set them apart and they become beautiful flowers forever.
I am a photographer who would rather be out in nature than about anywhere else but life just doesn't always let that happen. So I take pictures where I go and most always will have a camera with me. Moral of the story is: There is Beauty All Around You, Take the time to see it.