I was just told about a web site the other day called www.capturemyutah.com and decided to take a look at it. It is an interesting work and they are putting together a book of photos taken in Utah by the people of Utah (or someone photographing Utah). Anyway I did a quick search of my images and choose a few that might work and then uploaded about 6 of them. If you were to choose which 2 or 3 , if any, which ones would you have used. I am interested in your feedback because over the years of doing photography I have learned one thing, "I can't out guess anyones likes or dislikes since their likes and dislikes are almost always different from mine." So I have just continued to shoot everything that gets in my way so to speak and then leave it up to the viewer to like it or not. And as another photographer always says in his blog at the end, Enjoy!
Here is a collection of images that I took on purpose to be able to create a panoramic view of Dead Horse Point in Southern, Utah. Had I taken the proper time I would have put the camera on a tripod but then the last image shows that anyone can take images for a panorama even without a tripod. I stitched these images together with Adobe Photoshop CS4. I then tok the final image and converted it to LAB color mode and made a couple of enhancements then converted it back to and RGB jpg file. Images are in order (I hope) from my right to left as I photographed the area. I did have to add a little to the final image to fill in a couple of empty areas created in the final stitching. In the second and third images you can see the storm that was coming quickly our way. Look carefully and you can see the overlap in between the images that allows photoshop to stitch the images together. Did you see the two people near the edge of the canyon in the above photo? They appear as a white dot in the middle right of the image. Can you see the truck on the road in these two images that gives a little perspective to the depth of the canyon.
I like these strange insects but I have always been drawn to them since the very first time I saw one in 1973, in Midland, Texas. It was on a fence and sitting up with it's claws close together. The other night as I came home I found one on my wall and just had to have it's photograph.
I am a photographer who would rather be out in nature than about anywhere else but life just doesn't always let that happen. So I take pictures where I go and most always will have a camera with me. Moral of the story is: There is Beauty All Around You, Take the time to see it.