What fun the last two days have been ass I have got to watch and then photograph the wildlife from the buildings 5th floor and the parking lot. Yesterday I went out and photographed the ducks and geese and missed an Eagle go after something above my head and a fox catch a goose on the other end of the field. (That actually happened while I was going down the five flights of stairs to go outside to photograph. Some of my fellow workers still at lunch saw the fox and the eagle. I was wondering though why all of the geese took off since when I walk over there they just walk away from me but this time they all flew up just honking their silly heads off as the circled and flew away right over the top of where I was at. It was pretty fun.Still wish I had seen the eagle though.
Then today I watched as three bucks were following the same doe around the woods. I photographed these from the lunchroom on the 5th floor and had a much better view than if I had tried to go outside. No eagles or foxes today however.
I am a photographer who would rather be out in nature than about anywhere else but life just doesn't always let that happen. So I take pictures where I go and most always will have a camera with me. Moral of the story is: There is Beauty All Around You, Take the time to see it.