Friday, September 12, 2008

One for Photoshop to work on

Photoshop has a lot of things that it can do and can do well if the operator knows what he/she is doing. However here is one for them to work on. 

I went to Astoria, OR and photographed the tower on the hill. It is a beautiful monument to the history of the area and there is such a beautiful mural on the tower. It goes in a circle from the bottom to the top slowly spiraling around the monument. The only problem is for a photographer is that you can't photograph it straight on so that in photoshop you could easily stitch it together to make the mural easy to see. You have to shoot it at a angle from below near the base of the tower. So I want photoshop to now work on putting photos together that are shot at an angle, stitch them together and then correct the angle, that should be easy. Well no it shouldn't but they seem to be able to do everything else and make it loook easy to those of us that have struggled with problems in the past and now find it so fun to do, such as the bandaid and stitching processes. Life could still be so much easier, well they have made it a lot easier so for that I am grateful.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

More Trees

As you may have noticed I have become somewhat passionate about trees. Ever since I shot the ones while waiting in a church parking lot I have been looking a little more closely at them where ever I am. These were some from the Tryon Park in Oregon. It is interesting how the limbs of any two trees are never the same and then you add moss to them (as only can happen in such wet climates as Oregon) and you see a whole set of new shapes and beauty. I lkie to study them now.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I am lucky

I get to work with some very special young people in the church and it always amazes me of how much excitement and vitality that they have to share. So it is always fun to be able to return some of that fun to them once in awhile.

I have been very busy trying to get the new Ward Directory out this past week since we have just started a new semester at Brigham Young University and we now have another 148 students to get to know. I take the pictures of them and with minimal work in photoshop prepare the images for the directory but sometimes I just can't help myself from doing a little extra just for the reaction of the youth. (I may have gotten myself into trouble since the rest of them may want similar treatment now.) But for whatever the trouble it may cause here is the story behind it.

I told the young women that I would be taking their pictures. Now as usual some of them are not ready when I need to do it and so I told some of them that I would gladly redo them if they wanted. Well at our opening social in the park these three came forward and asked for new pictures stating that I had promised I would retake them. I will post all three of their images and you will be able to see what happened. This was fun for me because I was able to take good picture, reshoot and get a better pictures and then go into photoshop and make an even better pictures. I hope that they like what happened.

These first three images are the original "get them taken so I have them" images. They are cute pictures of the cute girls but as you will notice in the last of the three a little Star Wars has entered the scene. Now I am not sure the boys would dare to compete with him.

So at the party at the park I took three more pictures. Now this isn't a studio setting of course but I do most of my work in the great studio of the outdoors anyway and love to shoot in it as much as possible. Here are the three girls again. Still cute and having fun I hope as we take the pictures.

So, here is the final output from photoshop with a little close up cropping to make it possible to really be able to see their faces. Now they are not just cute girls here but instead they are beautiful girls. Any guy not wanting date one of them would be crazy. And this is what they looked like just for a party.

Now for a little bit of the "artsy" touch to the same images.

Another version: