Monday, August 18, 2008

Another friend you might not want to say Hi to.

Saturday I was irrigating my lawn, like we do out here in the desert when we don't want to use culinary water to keep things green, when I discovered a visitor to our yard. I think that it must have sensed the water and was wanting to cool off a bit by taking a slithering swim. Anyway I went and grabbed my camera and for the next few minutes played with him rather than tending the water. It kept trying to move in a direction across the lawn away from me and so I would move in front of it and take another picture. Finally it must have decided to end the game and just started sliding straight toward me. I could get it to stop but each time it started again it would come straight for me. Well it's tactics worked and I gave him a little more room. I must admit it was a little unnerving to have it not try to get away but rather to challenge me instead. It was a four foot long blow snake so I wasn't scared of it even though it would put out a pretty good hiss each time I touched it. I quite like this particular snake since I understand that it likes to eat Rattle Snakes and mice, two creatures I would love to have non-existent around my yard.

1 comment:

Ariana said...

That snake is HUGE!! Oh my goodness. And do you really get rattlers in your yard? freaky!