Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Question answered by supermoon

The supermoon gave me a perfect opportunity to 
answer a question that I have had for sometime
now and never bothered to answer.
I will give the question and answer after 
this first image of the supermoon.

A little shot of the moon a bit too high of 
an exposure and adjusted in bridge. 
I kind of liked the neon effect.

OK the question:
Does the moon look the same at night as it does in the morning 
when it is on the other side of the sky?

When I asked this question of others I got three responses.

1. Of course not.

2. Of course it does.

and number

3. I don't know, that is a good question.

Well it really should be an obvious answer as it has changed
from one angle to another as it crosses the sky, but
I decided I had to prove it.

So on my way to work at 5:30 AM on November 14, 2016
I stopped my car and took a few pictures. 
I way underexposed them so that I could see the features better.

Western Sky : 5:30 AM  11/14/2016

Then that evening I took another image at around 7 PM
when it was in the Eastern sky as it came up over
the mountain East of my home.

Eastern Sky : 7:00 PM  11/14/2016

I got the answer I expected as you can see in these images 
that the angle does indeed make a difference.

These were both taken from the raw image in my camera and 
exposure slightly adjusted to make them the 
same illumination.

Now I have another question that I will need to answer next spring.
What does it look like during the different seasons?

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