Sunday, October 30, 2016

Mount Rushmore area set #1

When we decided to visit Mount Rushmore I decided 
that I wanted to try and get some of the non-traditional 
images of the rock carving.
Well the snow storm that moved into Crazy Horse area 
followed and even beat us here. So when we arrived we 
were afraid that we wouldn't even get to get any 
traditional images let alone the others.
These first ones are from when we arrived in the rain and snow.

So again we decided to watch the movie and when we came
out we had the opposite weather and the sun was out.
The water from the storm really did make the 
images non-traditional and a bit fun. 
They all looked like they had been crying.
(Might be due to the election choices this year.)

There were still some of the fall colors in the area.

The machine used for lower to carve the stone 
is in a special display near the monument.

This man had major talent to accomplish this carving.

This is the view just prior to getting to the monument.
Having never been there I was a bit surprised to see this angle.

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