Friday, January 27, 2012

Four days after the first sighting

Well this was after I had been at camp for four or five days and the same little buck came within 30 feet of my camp. I was actually set up below the other camp by 100 feet or more so it was a little more quiet where I was and that is probably why he would come so close. (Plus the rest of the camp was not very close to their camp at that time.) I know it is the same little buck now as I look through all of the images since the side of his body was so scruffy on the one side and appears that way in all three sets of images. It was a fun week getting to see him so often.

This is when I made a movement and he caught it just enough to make him a little bit nervous but he still calmed down and just kept grazing as he passed behind my tent and moved further East from my area.

As he was moving away from me the sun caught his antlers and made the velvet really glow. It was very beautiful.

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