Monday, November 21, 2011

What a Difference a Few Hours Makes

I went back out just three hours later to see how much of the snos had melted. Had the sun come out today I would have expected that a lot of it would be gone but this was with cold air and cloud cover. Here are a few of the differences.

The playhouse doesn't lose much snow, but the little tree and stump are clear .

I didn't quite get the same spot for this image but the difference is still pretty clear by the snow that has melted off the rock and trees.

Here the fence, the trees, and the backhoe have all lost their snow but the roof of the house ia almost the same.

Not mush difference here and it is probably because this stack of wood is in a fairly sheltered area from even any sunlight that might get through the cloud cover.

The snow was already leaning off the posts pretty well so the change here was probably fairly soon after I had taken the first pictures.

It is kind of hard to see what is really happening in this first image but the clothes lines are all wrapped with snow. Then in the image below you can see where the snow all fell off and created the lines in the snow under the clothesline. Then the following image shows the sam basic image as the first of the three and now the clotheslines are very visible.

The horse chestnut seed cover was a little harder for me to find when I went back as the weight of the snow that had melted off allowed the limbs to raise up somewhat so it wasn't at the level that I had expected.

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