Sunday, November 15, 2009

Art Show Fun

This weekend I participated in an Art Show in Mapleton. There were 25 contributing artist and sculptures. I was first invited last year and surprised at how much free time I had during the day on friday and this year was about the same. It was very relaxing and a great break from the 10 plus hours I spend at work each day. I got there early an Friday to find the doors still locked so I went on a photo walk for a few minutes. It had snowed during the wee morning hours and was a bit cold but I went anyway and then went back home and got some winter boots and warmer socks. It was very beautiful on that walk however and the snow on things gave a whole different perspective from what we had last year when the weather was a very warm fall day.

A little later in the morning I decided to go out behind the barn where the event was taking place to a pond and do a little more photographing. (I find that to be extremely relaxing.) Anyway as I was there I saw two Canadian Geese and went to photograph them. The pictures here are backwards from the actual sequence of photographing. They first had been on the grass as I walked toward them and so they slid into the pond but when I seemed intent on taking their pictures they decided to fly away. So the first pictures here are where they are circling around above me before leaving. I felt pretty lucky to get a couple fairly good shots before they left.

Around noon I had a friend come over who wanted to learn more about photography. He just bought a new camera and was there to learn to use it so we went for another photo walk. It was really fun being with someone who was so anxious to learn and who also appears to have a great eye for it as well. We took around 200 images and had a lot of fun. It was much warmer so it was easy to stay out a little longer and look for a lot of things that I hadn't had the chance to look at that morning.

I found a rock with some crystal formation so I had to try using my 6 point star filter. I got a little bit of a star from it. You have to look closely.

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