Thursday, August 7, 2008

Stitching in the Park

I have done multiple image stitching with images several times now and found it to be very fun. However I always have thought of it as an open view of the world type image that you would have to have to make it look OK. While in Oregon however I decided to take an area where there wasn't a view of lots of mountains or wide open area and try out the process with a rather enclosed , limited view area of Tryon Park in Lake Oswego, OR. 

So from one of the observation decks in the park I just started shooting a series of images carefully watching the trees on the right side of the image and shooting them again with them on the left side of the next image as I shot going from my left to my right. It worked rather well except for the very first image that had the trunk of the tree taking up the entire length of the right side of the image and apparently Photoshop couldn't recognize it in the next image. The rest of the images made for a great panorama however and the result is shown in the very last image. The second to the last picture was with just the last three images of the sequence stitched together into one. 

Have a look and then try to do some of your own. Just take a series of portrait style images and make sure you overlap each image with something from the previous image to give Photoshop reference points.

This is the image that is missing from the bottom left side of the final panorama.

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