Saturday, January 17, 2009

Life of a snowman

As you know, if you have followed this blog, my granddaughters, wife and I built a 6 foot snowman a few days after Christmas while they were visiting from Colorado. He was big and we were proud of him. Well this blog is for my granddaughters to see what has happened to the snowman since they have returned home. Here is a picture of Kasia just after we finished putting all of the accessories on our snowman.

This is Grandma, Kinsey and Kasia with our friend.

A couple of portraits for the scrapbook from the same day.

Then a couple days later we had another big storm and this was what nature added to our snowman.

It had been warm enogh for the days in between storms that he lost most of his teeth, eyes, etc.

Then it warmed up for several days and this is what our snowman now looks like. The poor fellow is looking pretty hungry. He needs more snow. I think that the red hat and neck warmer are working pretty well don't you?

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