Saturday, November 15, 2008

My third son's family

It is always fun to photograph your own family and then to change the picture and add effects is even better.

The original

The second version.

Friday, November 14, 2008

What do you do ?

So what do you do when you are in a small town waiting for your daughter (or anyone) to get done with work and you have anywhere from 15 minutes to a half hour? I was given that question I suppose Wednesday night. I was going to go into the office and read but the door was locked so I wen t back to my car and pulled out my camera and did a "walk about" around the office. The following are images that I shot in the following 20 minutes while waiting. It was an interesting experience to find something to photograph on the spot like that but it wasn't very long before I was amazed by the number of things that there really were just there waiting for me to take a photo. Moral of this story: There is always something to photograph. Just go looking and have fun.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

More images of a Miracle

Life and especially this new has always been what I consider a miracle. I don't understand how it works but hope to someday. I grew up on a farm and saw the miracle many times in the animal world and was just as amazed by it. A new little calf standing on wobbly legs just minutes after birth has always amazed me, I must just be easy to amaze, but I respect life and enjoy photographing it and hope you enjoy life also. Here are the images I took when my beautiful Granddaughter was just approximately 13 hours old.

Here is Grandma with her.

Dad and Grandma.

A tender kiss from a brand new daddy.

The new family.

Grandpa(author of this blog) and his sixth grandchild. Just as proud of her as the rest. I love them all.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My new Granddaughter

More images later. Here is her first official photograph. (As far as Grandpa is concerned anyway.

New Granddaughter

No pictures yet since it will be tonight before we get to see her but she was born at 3:20 AM today . Look forward to pictures hopefully tonight.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Some from years ago.

I love the sky and the lights that bring each new day and then sustain us through the day. What a grand creation this is and with all of the things that change each day. Well, I have yet to live a day in 55 years that has been the same as any other day. My days are always filled with something new and different when I go outside and take the time to look. Maybe that is why I love photography so much because it is a way I can capture a little of it and help me to remember it.When my children were young and I worked a graveyard shift I often could get home in time to walk the half mile to the bus stop with them. Quite often I would take my camera and sometimes even get to see a bunch of birds flying in their V-formation. It is really something fun to do.

And only minutes later the scene would be different and yet the same.

Then there were the opportunities to go on scout camps. Wow you really see some neat things early in the morning and all during the day when you are in the mountains. Everything can change so quickly. There are times though when you can't capture it all and you only have the image in your mind. For instance. There is a camp where we used to go to do Junior Leader Training for the Boy Scouts of America. One summer I was asked to visit the camp and do an impression of Baden Powell for the Scouts. He was the founder and such a friend of nature. Anyway while I was there that night we had a small rain storm and another one threatening. As I left camp that night to drive the 50 miles home I was a little worried that my van might not make it up out of the canyon where the camp was located. I was unable to leave until nearly midnight but there was a full moon to the East and no storm so I felt a little more safe. Well as I topped the hill and could see to the west I saw the most magnificent sight that I had ever experienced. It was a moonbow. Yes it was raining to the west of camp and the full moon shining on the storm created a rainbow effect with the only , and big difference, being that there were no colors that I could see, only differing shades of white to gray but a perfect bow none the less stretching across the sky. I drove home, at times sliding back and forth in the mud as I went down the 7 mile long hill,  wishing I had been able to photograph it. I didn't have my tripod even though I had my camera and I could not of held it still nearly long enough to get a proper exposure. It was a lesson learned and a memory cherished.

What a difference can be made in the way a scene appears just by not knowing how to set the white balance in your pictures. I still like to make changes though to my images now because then I get to take part in creating something beautiful as well. I remember who creates the perfect image first and give thanks for the opportunity to behold it each time.