Sunday, August 5, 2018

Fires and sunsets

As much destruction as wild fires do cause. 
They sure combine with the sun to make pretty sunsets.

Other birds in our yard.

I could hear him several times and it took me awhile
to locate him. He was there for over 20 minutes just 
making occasional calls.

More Hummingbird images

These little creatures are sure fun to watch.

The young Hawk is now moving away from the nest

I look out my window and now seldom see the young hawk.
He has learned to fly but I don't think he yet knows how
to hunt.

Honey Bee

I sure do like honey.
But this is where people often walk barefooted and now
two grandchildren have been stung walking on them. 
Might have to get rid of the clover.

Humming Birds

This little hummingbird has started visiting our feeders.
We are not so sure we appreciate him because
he sits close to them and chases all of the others away.