Friday, December 25, 2015

Practice Facility update Dec 22, 2015 progress

More of the footing have been made ready.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

I had visitors tonight just before darkness came.

A doe and a 3-4 point buck came into the yard  tonight.

3-4 because one side was 3 and the other side 4.

Then my brother-in-law came out to feed the animals 
next door in his corral and the buck was ready to leave.

The moon was just coming up as well.

Moving to safety in the neighbors orchard.

Tis is the image the trail cam caught of him the night before.

Set #4 of the practice facility.

I stop for a few minutes each time I circle the concourse 
during work and snap off a few more images.

They are starting the foundation footing for the tunnel to the 
East side stairs that will continue to be used.

Our first big valley storm of the season for 2015-16 winter.

Our fist 12 inch storm came and it was wet.
Santa and the reindeer needed to take flight.

The limbs on our long needle pines were lowered to the ground.
I was glad that none of them broke.

 Some of the made for interesting designs 
to look at like clouds and see
what they could remind us of in real life.

There is a bear taking a nap in the tree here.

My shed even made for some fun images.

Items from the far distant past needing used.

Snow covered piles, flowers and other items even make for fun images.

Practice Facility set #3

A little update.
We had our first winter storm but it hasn't really 
slowed them down much.

Trees on the north side had some 
interesting designs with the snow.