Sunday, November 23, 2014

Playing in Photoshop

I decided just to play around in photoshop today
with an image of fall leaves.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Local Mule Deer

So, I was headed to the bank and had a thought come to me; 
"I forgot my camera, Oh' well I probably won't need it."

Then within a half mile I spotted this in a local orchard.
 Needless to say I turned around and went back for my camera.

The one on the right was the largest one but there were several other 
bucks in the orchard as well.
I took several images of both of these which are later in the images.

 This was a nice sized buck.

But this was the largest one and very pretty.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Movie watchers Moon

So on my way home the other night I saw this moon 
but I just couldn't see the little boy fishing from it.
Where did he go?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall Color Set #6 Final

So my little road trip for fall color had a slight delay when I came upon 
cowboys herding their cattle down the road.

Then it was back to the colors.

Spanish Fork Canyon

Fall Color Set #5