Saturday, November 26, 2011

A walk in the park

Always carrying your camera with you can allow you to photograph anything that you think looks beautiful. For instance, as we went to the park in Arizona while visiting family we decided one morning to walk to the nearest park. There were a lot of beautiful flowers in blossom at the time, so I took pictures of a few of them. These are the results.

Friday, November 25, 2011

A look at Palm Trees

All three of these images are of one subject, Palm Trees. However they are taken in three completely different ways. It seems that nearly everything can be seen differently and that is part of what is fun in photography, the work of finding different ways to photograph the same subject matter.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day and relics of the past

On this Thanksgiving Day I am so thankful for many things which include the memories of my childhood where some of these snow covered relics of the past were even relics of the past at that time. They mean a lot to me however because they are symbols of hard work and progress. Even though today these machines are no longer being used to do the work on the farm they remind me of all those men in my past who used them and did it to make my life better. Have a Great Thanksgiving today.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Camera Perspective

While I was out photographing the new snow the other day I decided to do a slight variation of camera angles of a set of rocks just to experiment a little. Well there is actually quite a range of height of the camera in respect to the ground but not a lot of difference in the perspective as seen in the images. It is always fun to try new things even if they don't produce a major difference in the images.

Standing at a normal position.

Kneeling almost in the snow.

Raising the camera above my head and a little more directly over the rocks.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Beauty in Sunsets

We had a beautiful sunset the other night. Luckily my wife had seen it in time to warn me so that I was able to go photograph it. Sunsets change so much that is is fun to watch and photograph them as they change.

Monday, November 21, 2011

What a Difference a Few Hours Makes

I went back out just three hours later to see how much of the snos had melted. Had the sun come out today I would have expected that a lot of it would be gone but this was with cold air and cloud cover. Here are a few of the differences.

The playhouse doesn't lose much snow, but the little tree and stump are clear .

I didn't quite get the same spot for this image but the difference is still pretty clear by the snow that has melted off the rock and trees.

Here the fence, the trees, and the backhoe have all lost their snow but the roof of the house ia almost the same.

Not mush difference here and it is probably because this stack of wood is in a fairly sheltered area from even any sunlight that might get through the cloud cover.

The snow was already leaning off the posts pretty well so the change here was probably fairly soon after I had taken the first pictures.

It is kind of hard to see what is really happening in this first image but the clothes lines are all wrapped with snow. Then in the image below you can see where the snow all fell off and created the lines in the snow under the clothesline. Then the following image shows the sam basic image as the first of the three and now the clotheslines are very visible.

The horse chestnut seed cover was a little harder for me to find when I went back as the weight of the snow that had melted off allowed the limbs to raise up somewhat so it wasn't at the level that I had expected.