Saturday, December 4, 2021

Goblin Valley State Park: Hiking back to the North along the East side

As we headed back toward the parking area 
from the West side we started to see 
people again. 
There had been some few footprints
in the west side but we didn't
see any people.

Our route back was along the South hills.

This gives a perspective to how big these shapes are
in relation to the visitors.

I love this one. 
On the internet it might be under the cation of
"The Moment before tragedy struck."
She was fine but it made for a pretty good pose.
Notice the "Sentry' formation to her right?
She was actually on top of the ridge. 

The fun part about this ark is that 
you can climb on the formations.
However there are plenty of them that
I wouldn't even give a thought to about 
climbing up onto since I felt vulnerable to 
falling rocks near a lot of them
if I were there and there was an earthquake.

Goblin Valley State Park: The Nest

As we hiked along the North ridge of the park 
and started toward the West end, 
we passed an area off to our
right that I decided to refer to as 
"The Nest"
There were so many little 
HooDoos up the small ravines and it made it 
look like they were just growing there.

These two images came from the left side looking 
into the area where most peope walk and hike.

But off to the right were the ones 
just starting to form or had less water to recede 
and make them like the others.
That's why I call it their nest.