Friday, May 29, 2015

Fire plant flowers and birds

 I was standing by the kitchen window
 and saw a flash of yellow
So I quickly grabbed the camera
and caught this little bird that was feeding 
on our fire-stick plants
the window sill was almost in the road

 I stepped out the door and caught this final 
image before he flew away

Rainy weather scenes

The recent rains have added extra growth in our yard

I started a fire as the rain was lightly falling on my back

Then the rain came a little harder but we had
roasted the marsh mellows by that time

Then the rains and the hail came

but my fire survived, barely!!

The colt decided he needed a little rest and
 sunshine on his wet coat

How are mushrooms grown??

Yard lights at night

I went outside to look at the new yard lights
that we had placed and decided that there
were some pretty images that could be 
recorded with them

 One of the spot type lights on the wishing well

and two other lights by the foot bridge

Marriott Center Renovation (Part 4) Additional assembly and Disassembly Required

 Forms for the first areas of seating nearing completion

Continued concrete removal moving to the west side.

Putting in more disability seating areas

The gaping hole in the west tunnel

Additional work continues on the disassembly
 of the jumbotron