Friday, May 2, 2008

WOW who would have known it was there all along.

One day I was looking at some of pictures that I had taken almost two years earlier at a scout camp and was trying out some new techniques that I had learned in photoshop from a book by Scott Kelby called "7-Point System". It was a technique where you convert to LAB color and intensify the colors and then scale back the opacity to where you like the color and convert back to RGB. Well, while trying it on a random shot of a common weed that we have around Utah. I had cropped in on a part of the plant and suddenly saw something that had never been a part of my vision of the image before. The first image today is the image I was playing with and the second one is the image that jumped out at me as I cropped in on the first. Isn't it great when sometimes you have to be awakened to something in an unusual manner in order to see it. You know at that point that someone far greater than you is mindful of and loves you and wants you to learn something new when you are least expecting it.  Now I look at every image totally different than before and will often crop in on images just to see what may be lingering inside.
To convert to LAB color go to Image-Mode-LAB. Then to Image-Apply Image. AT that point select from the Channel section either Lab, a or b. And in the Blending section select either overlay or Soft light. Play with different combinations of those selection until you find the color combination that you like and if it is too strong then drop the opacity down to where it looks good to you. At that point go to Image-Mode-RGB to convert back into RGB to continue working on your image.

1 comment:

Leesa said...

Fascinating! You really love your hobby/work, don't you?