Monday, April 28, 2008

Animals for fun

Sometimes it is so fun to see wildlife that might have a sense of humor. (Or at least from the poses that you can catch them in it would appear that way.) Can't you just see this duck stomping his foot up and down on the ground as he is laughing at the funny looking guy trying to take his picture? (Must be the hair style or grey hair.) Maybe one of the students near by the pond was playing some good ole' country line dancing music that I just hadn't noticed. I mean I know a lot of people who would rather be joking than posing and this particular duck would seem to fit into that category as well. Of course the image was captured this way because I had it on rapid fire mode as the duck was coming up out of the pond and was quaking as it came. But having the mouth open and the foot raised both at the same time is again something that you could only pose if you knew taxidermy, I don't. Plus I would rather shoot live animals and then both of us walk away satisfied than shooting a dead one any day.
I have also added the image of a horse that would appear to be wanting to talk to us as well. Must be Mister Ed's distant relative.


Leesa said...

Kent, I love the Duck!! That is one superb picture! The horse is great too. I love this blog. It makes my day. You are a wonder!

Leesa said...

Kent, I love the Duck!! That is one superb picture! The horse is great too. I love this blog. It makes my day. You are a wonder!