Friday, April 25, 2008

So I stayed up a little late

So I stayed up last night til midnight watching a video of our 166th Ward Talent Show. What a fun time. There is so much talent in our youth today and it is really fun having them share it with us.
This image however shows the way I feel today. I took this picture in Texas back in 1973 but it has always been one of my favorites. I was driving down the street when I happened to notice this little fellow taking a nap. Since I always have my camera as close as possible it wasn't hard to stop the car, whip out the camera and get an image to last a life time. The squirrel was up and away only a split second later but because I had my camera near my side I was able to get the shot. So again the moral of the story is to always be alert and be ready.

1 comment:

Leesa said...

I have this photo on my desktop as it was such a fun shot. I hope you don't mind my using your photos in such a way, but it give me a constant supply of beautiful and fresh material to greet me when I get on the computer. I love you!
Dan and I were having a fun discussion while he was here, and for some reason it reminded me of the famous, or should I say "infamous", sugar bowl incident? He asked me if that is why the sugar bowl, which is now proudly in my possession, has no lid. I told him it remained in one healthy piece after contacting with your head (I am not so sure about the health of your head!), and I don't know what happened to the lid. Do you? I am not even sure it was your head that it hit, but it seems like that was the spot. I told him how mad it made me when you faked injury, and then laughed at me. But I also informed him that seldom did we get into such childish spats. We were actually very good friends, and still are. :)