Sunday, May 17, 2009

After the long Absence

So it has been too long since I last added to my blog. I have been working late nights trying to get a bunch of pictures done for a dance studio and have not been able to shoot any of my own but that is how life goes sometimes. So anyway today I decided to take a few for a blog tonight and it all started with an old saying with proof "the grass is greener on the other side of the fence". This is what it takes to get to it.
This young magpie couldn't fly back into the tree (until I forced it down to where there were some lower bushes) but the thing that amazed me was the ability it had to turn it's head 180 degrees. Wow my neck hurt right after that one.
Then there was the little bumblebee busy gathering nectar from the lilacs. It wasn't until just a few years ago that I realized a Bumblebee makes honey just like it's cousin only the nest is made of grass and the honey is stored in pod shaped devices inside of the nest. It was really quite a neat discovery for me.
After the animals, birds and insects I turned my attention to the flowers and weeds in the light of a setting sun.

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