Saturday, January 3, 2009

"There's nothing to photograph"

Have you ever said to yourself "I just don't live in one of those neat places where I can just go out anytime and find great pictures to take."

 Well I have thought a lot about this and for those of you who follow this blog you will have seen where I have photographed my own yard a hundred times and today is no different. I decided the other day that when Saturday rolled around and I had some time (or better yet when Saturday rolls around and I make the time) I will get up and go out and just take a picture and say to myself what is there in this area that would make a great photo?

 Today Saturday rolled around and I made some time to just go out and photograph the yard. It was kind of fun in the fact that it snowed four more inches last night and that always changes the dynamics of things. So tonight my blog is the start of several that will include pictures that I have taken today within 75 yards of my front door. Here is the first set and more will come later as I process the rest. I do this so as to hopefully inspire you to "Just go look around and see what you can take. (I took over 400 images today so you obviously won't see even a small portion of them but that is just more for you to ponder next time you think to yourself, "There's nothing to photograph"!)

Ice on my new shed.

Snow on our fence.

A drop of water from ice on the corner of my house.
(By the way about 9 of the images today were taken of the same piece of ice as I was trying to catch one drop of water as it was falling off. It wasn't real easy.)

Ice on the needles of one of my pine trees.

More ice and taken with a # 4 close-up filter on my 300 mm lens.
(My fingers were starting to get a bit cold changing these lenses and filters, just part of the process.)

A winter bird singing from the top of our apple tree.

What looks like a dove flying from the top of one of our trees. 

And finally, a bear in one of the pine trees.
(Come on use your imagination a little bit and you will see it.)
Actually looks more like a bear rug left in the tree with snow on it.

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