Monday, July 28, 2008

A little Trip

So I took a little trip around Utah over the weekend with my wife. Actually we were on our annual trip to photograph Utah National Parks Council Silver Beaver recipients for the year 2008. These are men and women that have spent countless hours in the service of youth not only in scouting but also in their communities. So we traveled to places like Delta, Cedar City, St. George, Kanab, Monroe, Annabella, Roosevelt, and Heber plus several others in a whirlwind three day trip around Utah. I took time though to take pictures as I always try to do just for the additional fun. Here are just a few of those images. 

1 comment:

Genny said...

Beautiful pictures. Utah is so gorgeous. I remember once in college I was on a choir tour in California, and some of the students asked the bus driver what state he thought was most beautiful, and (right in front of our California native choir director) the bus driver said that Utah was definitely the most beautiful. I agree completely!