Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wow That's gotta hurt

All I can say this morning is; Always, Always ,Always be alert to your surroundings and opportunities will present themselves for some amazing images. That is at least in the struggle for life and against death. Things happen so quickly and you never know when you will be a witness to it. This image today was taken in the morning on a day when I was camping and had gone out to photograph while waiting for the events of the day to begin. I had noticed all of the wild flowers on the hill behind where we were staying and decided early in the week that I would photograph some of them later in the week. Well I went up onto the hill and was looking carefully at which blossoms I felt might make the best image. I had wandered around a little but there were so many that I hardly had to go very far. Then I heard some bees behind me and decided to try and get them as the worked. As I turned around little did I know that the reason I had heard them was because one had just been caught by a spider sitting hidden by the petals of the flower. The second one was flying close to the spider then away just as a bird does to other birds or animals threatening their young. The second one soon left and I watched and photographed this scene as the bee first struggled then became still. I had seen spiders on flowers before and yet never thought about the struggles of life that might occur because of it.

I went back to that same flower the next day and sure enough there was that spider sitting hidden by the petals again and I wondered when and what it would catch that day.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

What a shot - you should send that into National Geographic or something.