Sunday, February 28, 2016

Gonzgza game BYU Fan party/sleepover

Despite a disappointing loss to the refs I mean Gonzaga 
last night I think the BYU fans still had a lot of fun at their sleepover.

But it wasn't so fun cleaning up the mess left behind.
This was only one of the four garbage cans 
and the rest still around the tent resulted in several more 
large bags of trash.

The line just before the game seemed to go around the campus.
Good practice for graduation I suppose.

It was also Senior night as we honored the three seniors of 2016.
I will personally miss seeing them in the halls, in the elevator 
and on the court during practices and games.

And if you are wondering why I made the slip-up on 
who we played just go watch the game in it's entirety.
I think I was unaware that if the offense throws the ball out of bounds
and it hits a BYU fan before anyone else that you then give the 
ball back to the offense.
I am not bitter just disappointed with the referees,
it is just a game after-all.

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