Friday, January 13, 2012

Going through some images from my youth

This image stayed in my mind for a number of years. I had taken it while at summer camp in the Granddaddy Basin near Pine Island lake with the scouts when I was 13 or 14. Later when I was 30 something and there with as scoutmaster I found myself at the same spot and photographed it again. I do not have that image where I can find it right now but will post it later when I do. Anyway the two images were almost the same of the fallen tree minus all the little branches but the trees in the background were totally different.

An oil well fire near Altamont, Utah when I was 17 or so.

One of the volcanic rock formation seen in Southern Utah and Northern Arizona.
I do not remember when I took this image. 

Images from the farm on which I was raised.
Taken when I was around 12 or 13years old.

You can tell by the duct at the top of the image that this was a slide scanned to digital format.
Taken near Manti, Utah

 Historical derrick for stacking hay.

Starvation Reservoir was being built when I took this picture of the longest bridge in Utah.
I was about 16 at the time.

A few years later after the water was in the reservoir. 
I was about 23 at the time.

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