Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A weekend with family in Colorado

It seems as though time is even moving faster now. I can't believe that it has been since the 4th that I last blogged but it has and now i must be behind. Anyway last weekend we went to Colorado to see our son's family. While there our granddaughter's had a lot of things planned for us to do. We had soup day at preschool, a play at the Junior High, a soccer game, a church primary program, pictures to take for the family and friends as well as the preschool and a visit with the girl scouts to a pumpkin farm.And that is where the pictures are going to come from today.

So here we are at the May Farms pumpkin farm in Colorado. According to the lady who owns the farm with her husband they are one of the very few true pumpkin farms in Colorado. Not that there are not a bunch that profess to be, they really aren't because they have them all hauled in and then put them out in a field to sell. They had a really bad freeze though last week so even though it looks like there are a lot of pumpkins a good number of them are soft due to the freeze and thus no good to sell.

Our granddaughter's were very excited to visit the farm and to go through the corn maze. Here they are before we started the activities.

There were animals on the farm as all good farms would have. There were ducks and geese and goats and lambs and chickens and donkeys.
This is only a few of the images from those animals.

Then one of my favorite parts of the entire visit was all of the other things to photograph. I love flags, windmills and sunsets and there were all there. Plus , of course, tractors for giving hay rides into the sunset.

Toward the end of the evening, after a hayride out to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin for each girl, we were starting to get tired. But it was a lot of fun and the sing near the door as we were leaving the barn said to ring the bell if we had a good time so we did.

Now if you are wondering about the corn maze. Well, there wasn't one, there was a patch of grass like plants that were really tall and waved in the wind and slapped us in the face and left us itching all over and, well, it didn't end up being their favorite part but maybe soon I will post a few pictures from inside the maze. I must admit it was different and very unusual. I think it was sorghum or something like that.

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