Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Moon and planet at 6 am 4/22/09

This morning I have decided to start work a little later because when I got in the car to come to work I saw the moon and one of the planets together in the eastern sky. I stopped and took a picture then went to work knowing that the flag there would be in the right spot to take an interesting picture of it again. I was afraid that it would disappear though as it was starting to get light. Well it was still visible when I got by the flag and within 4 minutes of the second shot the sunrise had blocked out the light from the planet. Sometimes photography can be like that (in fact most of the time when dealing with nature), the subject will change or be gone unless you act quickly.
At 5:55 A.M. in Mapleton, Utah near Texaco Station on North end of town.

6:05 A.M. in Spanish Fork Utah near Provo Craft building. The planet is barely visible to the side of the moon.

6:09 A.M. also at Provo Craft building in Spanish Fork Utah. Even though the image was exposed darker the planet was no longer visible due to the start of the sunrise and the movement of the moon. Timing is everything sometimes.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Very cool! Great shot.