Monday, October 13, 2008

A look at the past

The topic for today goes way back. Archiving. I was asked this week to make up an image for a beautiful bride that I had photographed in 2003. I had marked the back of her pictures that I had given her using my numbering system that I had at the time. (It worked great on film but I have had to change since going digital.) Anyway I was able to find in a matter of minutes from my 58 books of 35 MM neg., each book holding approx. 75 rolls, the precise roll on which the picture was located. I was glad that I had taken the time to properly mark and archive my negatives. (I wouldn't be so lucky with my negatives from 1972 when I did my first wedding even though I have kept all of the negatives that I have ever taken, well that's not quite true, I did give some negatives to the bride when I was first doing weddings. Now I give them all of their images on CD but still have a copy of them in my archives.)

 It was actually a lot of fun going back to these negatives and seeing how I have changed some things in my work and not changed others.  Like I said earlier I am sure glad I had a method of archiving my images. 

I guess part of the fun was also seeing that the day we took these pictures it was pretty windy and when you use an outdoor studio 80% of the time you have to learn to work despite the elements. It can be challenging and rewarding.

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