Friday, September 12, 2008

One for Photoshop to work on

Photoshop has a lot of things that it can do and can do well if the operator knows what he/she is doing. However here is one for them to work on. 

I went to Astoria, OR and photographed the tower on the hill. It is a beautiful monument to the history of the area and there is such a beautiful mural on the tower. It goes in a circle from the bottom to the top slowly spiraling around the monument. The only problem is for a photographer is that you can't photograph it straight on so that in photoshop you could easily stitch it together to make the mural easy to see. You have to shoot it at a angle from below near the base of the tower. So I want photoshop to now work on putting photos together that are shot at an angle, stitch them together and then correct the angle, that should be easy. Well no it shouldn't but they seem to be able to do everything else and make it loook easy to those of us that have struggled with problems in the past and now find it so fun to do, such as the bandaid and stitching processes. Life could still be so much easier, well they have made it a lot easier so for that I am grateful.

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