Wednesday, May 10, 2023


The trees were often totally encompassed with new snow
and plenty of snow balls rolling down the slopes.


It was fun to see the various small slides started by 
possible snow balls of sorts rolling down the hill.

There were also a lot of overhangs and drifts that were formed.



The snow was always very pretty.


032323-Mountain Snow

I photographed the mountain near my home 
numerous times trying to determine if there 
had been any snow slides. In so doing I found it 
quite interesting the changes that would occur
in the snow pack and the locations of the 
elk herd.


Sunday, March 19, 2023


We got home from church and had a visitor
on the front lawn having lunch.
It didn't seemed to concerned with us being there.

It stayed for over an hour in the same spot.
(Notice the sunlight added to the spot.)

Then a little while later it flew up into the tree
and stayed there for a couple more hours.


 I love it after new snow storms
when the skies clear and we can see
the white trees at the top of the 